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Heat pump

In 2024, ChargeBlock will launch a revolutionary heat pump compatible with their home batteries, solar panels and battery containers. This integration, enhanced by smart software, optimizes energy consumption and storage, increases efficiency and supports sustainability. A game-changer in energy management, it offers households a seamless, greener energy solution.

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Heat pump

In 2024, ChargeBlock will launch a revolutionary heat pump compatible with their home batteries, solar panels and battery containers. This integration, enhanced by smart software, optimizes energy consumption and storage, increases efficiency and supports sustainability. A game-changer in energy management, it offers households a seamless, greener energy solution.

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What are heat pumps?

A heat pump is an innovative solution for heating and cooling your home. With its impressive energy efficiency, a heat pump can provide significant savings on your energy bills. This system is not only cost-saving, but also environmentally friendly, as it uses renewable resources and helps reduce CO2 emissions. In addition, the heat pump offers unparalleled comfort by providing both heating and cooling depending on the season. The versatility of the heat pump makes it an ideal choice for modern households seeking efficiency, comfort and sustainability.

Savings with a heat pump

Heat pumps use less energy than traditional heating systems because they move heat instead of generating it. This makes them more efficient, especially in milder climates. Despite the higher initial cost, the operating costs of a heat pump are generally lower than those of conventional heating systems, leading to long-term savings. Heat pumps can use renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy, which contributes to a lower carbon footprint and can result in lower energy costs.

High Energy Efficiency

They use less energy than traditional systems, leading to lower energy bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

Versatility and Comfort

Heat pumps offer both heating and cooling in one system, making it an all-in-one solution for home comfort.


They reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What kind of heat pump is best?

The type of heat pump that is best depends on several factors, including the specific requirements of your home, the climate in your area, and your budget. Here are the most common types of heat pumps:

1. Air-to-air heat pump:

  • Extracts heat from the outside air and uses it to heat the indoor space.
  • Relatively easy to install and suitable for both heating and cooling.
  • Cheaper to buy, but may be less efficient at very low outdoor temperatures.

2. Air-water heat pump:

  • Works the same way as an air-to-air heat pump, but uses the heat to heat water instead of directly heating the air.
  • Suitable for heating systems with radiators or underfloor heating.
  • More efficient than air-to-air heat pumps at colder temperatures.

3. Water-water heat pump:

  • Extracts heat from groundwater or a soil loop in the ground.
  • Provides constant and high efficiency, but installation can be more expensive.
  • Good choice if you have enough room for a bottom loop.

4. Hybrid heat pump:

  • Combines a heat pump with a traditional central heating boiler.
  • Automatically switches between the two systems based on outdoor temperature and energy efficiency.
  • Ideal for existing homes where complete replacement of the heating system is difficult.

5. Geothermal heat pump:

  • Uses the constant temperature of the earth for heating and cooling.
  • High initial cost, but very efficient and environmentally friendly in the long run.
  • Requires adequate space for installation of bottom loops.


In our opinion, because of its extremely high efficiency and efficient cooling, a water-to-water heat pump is by far the best choice in the long run with the lowest cost over its total lifetime.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a heat pump?

Benefits of a heat pump:

Energy efficient:
Heat pumps draw heat from the air, ground or water, making them significantly more energy efficient than traditional heating systems.

Environmentally friendly:
They reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the carbon footprint, especially if they run on green energy sources.

Lower long-term energy costs:
Although the initial cost may be higher, heat pumps can lead to lower energy costs in the long run, especially if properly maintained.

Cooling options:
Some heat pumps can also serve as air conditioners in the summer, making them useful year-round.

Subsidies and tax breaks:
In some regions, financial incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks, are available to promote the installation of heat pumps.


Disadvantages of a heat pump:

Initial cost:
The initial purchase and installation costs of a heat pump can be higher than those of traditional heating systems.

Space requirements:
Some heat pump systems require sufficient space to install, for example, a bottom loop or outdoor unit.

Temperature dependence:
The efficiency of air-to-air and air-to-water heat pumps can decrease at very low outdoor temperatures, which can affect heating capacity.

It is important to perform regular maintenance to maintain efficiency and prevent breakdowns.

Noise level:
Some heat pumps can produce noise, especially outdoor air-to-air heat pumps. When considering a heat pump, it is essential to consider the specific features and requirements of your home and location. Consulting an HVAC professional can help you make an informed decision.

How many solar panels do you need for a heat pump?

For a hybrid heat pump, you usually have enough with 5 to 7 (additional) solar panels. With the all-electric heat pump, you would be wise to install at least 7 to 9 (additional) solar panels. This basically ensures that you are fully compensated for the higher demand for electricity.

Is heating with a heat pump cheaper than gas?

With a heat pump, you replace gas consumption with electricity. With that, you’ll be a lot cheaper. Depending on your energy price, a heat pump with outdoor unit will save you 710 to 1,170 euros a year (including the fixed fee for the gas connection that can go away).

What does a heat pump consume in electricity per year?

On average, a heat pump consumes about 2,000 to 3,000 kWh per year. But note, this depends completely on the type of heat pump you use and the heat demand within your home. Thus, you must first ask yourself how big an area you want to heat daily (in cold period).

How much power does a heat pump consume per day?

In general, you can expect a heat pump to use about 2-5 kWh of electricity per day. However, this number can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above. One of the biggest factors affecting the electricity consumption of a heat pump is the outside temperature.

How much subsidy do you get for a heat pump?

You can get a subsidy if you buy a heat pump. The amount of this ISDE subsidy depends on the type of heat pump and its capacity. Thus, sustainable heating becomes even more attractive. For an outdoor hybrid heat pump, you get between €1,950 and €3,000 in subsidies.

  • For a complete air-to-water heat pump, the subsidy amount is €1,950 to €3,750.
  • For a ground source heat pump, the subsidy amount starts at €3,750 and goes up to 5,100.
  • There are also subsidies for heat pump boilers and pvt panels.
  • The subsidy amount depends on the power and energy label.
  • The exact amounts per device can be found in the notification code list at

Good to know: if you combine the heat pump with an insulation measure, you get the higher subsidy for the insulation measure. View the terms and conditions for the insulation subsidy.

How long do heat pumps last?

The average heat pump lifespan is theoretically about 15 to 20 years, which can be even longer if conditions are favorable. However, some heat pumps do last longer than 30 years. In part, you control the heat pump lifespan yourself.

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